Top 10 albums of 2008

Craig Finn may not be the best singer and The Hold Steady might not have the most original tunes in the business. But Stay Positive remains a rousing and exciting experience nonetheless. Earnest lyrics and classic themes make this one album rock music fans should not miss.

9: Deerhunter - Microcastle
Deerhunter takes a big step towards the mainstream without relenting on their adventurousness and experimentation. One moment you might feel like Alice stepping through the rabbit hole, but find yourself at home immediately with safe and recognizable melodies. Almost like a Radiohead Lite.

The beauty of The Midnight Organ Flight lies in it's simplicity. This Glasgow trio make it with just a guitarist/singer, a drummer and a keyboardist. This record just has a wailing Scotsman, catchy lyrics and damn good music.
If I only had one word to describe this record, it would be 'Explosive!!!'. Everything from the garage rock intensity to what Nick Cave describes as "a hemorrhaging of words and ideas'. Dig!!! delivers the lyrics and punk influences straight up into your brain. Like snorting music cocaine.

After a relatively mellow phase ("Up" and "Reveal") R.E.M. are back and this time, they are finally ready to let out their inner rock stars. Mike Mills' machine gun guitar riffs return with Stipes 'End of the World' spitfire delivery. The songs make you want to sing along and bob your head. It's a return to form that has been so eagerly awaited.

Winner of the Mercury prize, comparisons to Police, though plenty, would seem rather unfair and disparaging of Elbow's abilities. The album manages to stand on it's own merits with several tracks well on their way to becoming instant classics. Uplifting and beautiful music from a great band.

Possibly one of the most underrated indie bands right now, Okkervil River shows enormous potential supported by the massive talent and showmanship of lead singer Will Sheff. "The Stand Ins" brings an amazing thematic finale to "The Stage Names". This is one band to look out for.

Furr feels and sounds like a tribute to some of the best British bands in rock music, each track exhibits a different style reminiscent of Queen or Bowie and most noticeably The Beatles. Blitzen Trapper borrows heavily from each but manages to keep their sound original. A late entry into the 2008, Furr remains in my mind, undoubtedly deserving of a spot in the top 10 of 2008 and your rotation list.

Written in a isolated cabin, Justin Veron's solitude allowed him to distill his truest emotions into melodies and words. The 9 tracks are bleak, quiet and intensely intimate. Every chord and word carries incredible weight. One wonders if Coldplay could have written this album had they not encountered success the first time round.
1:Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Our number one for 2008 happens to also be a debut, and what an amazing debut it was. Fleet Foxes has manages to amaze, astound and pull at your heartstrings with their resplendent melodies. The five piece band from Seattle manage to show how diversified and flexible they can be. Lead singer Robin Pecknold charms us with his writing, and manages to capture the melancholy, the ethereal all within an unforgettable rustic soundscape. Fleet Foxes also happens to be one of the most original and unforgettable record to appear in years.

Well that's it for 2008, looking forward to what 2009 might bring us. As usual click on the album covers to check out samples at Amazon. Cheers.