Broken Boy Soldiers
The Raconteurs
Broken Boy Soldiers

Hey why not start with a Superband, kinda... Broken Boy Soldiers was one of my favorite albums of 2007, (it was released in 06, but I'm slow)
The Raconteurs are otherwise known as Jack White's Other Band, consisting of Brendan Benson and a couple of other dudes from the Greenhornes (heard of them? me neither)
Apparently,it all started when Jack and Brendan were jamming in a basement somewhere and decided, well, their sound rocked. So they formed a band and wrote even more songs, voila! Broken Boy Soldiers was created.
Now, the album runs at a short 33 mins, but that isn't a handicap by any means. There is a good mix of songs here, from the self indulgent to hummable rock pop tunes. Anyone who has listened to the White Stripes can have an idea of the genius/madness of Jack White's guitar shredding and unrestrained use of distortion.
Here however, the brilliance shines through much more subtly, such as the weaving of complex guitar threads through 'Steady As She Goes'. Jack and Brendan manage to harmonize rather well here, on both vocals and instruments.
Another track I like is 'Yellow Sun', an cheery acoustic type of song that obviously has influences from the Beatles. Heck half the album sounds like it had some sort of influence from Revolver or Abbey Road. From rock-lite 'Hands' to the bluesy Lennonesque 'Blue Veins' and 'Together'
However, the only thing I have an issue with in this album is that the track listing is a bit iffy, the flow from one track to another doesn't feel as smooth as it could be, perhaps that has something to do with the new band getting used to itself and its sound.
Other than that, this album is a fun listen all the way through, give it a try if you like the White Stripes, or maybe even if you don't.
Cool Tracks - Steady as She Goes, Level, Intimate Secretary, Yellow Sun
The Raconteurs also has a second album Consolers of The Lonely (2008), which I will review as soon as possible.
- Ed
Broken Boy Soldiers

Hey why not start with a Superband, kinda... Broken Boy Soldiers was one of my favorite albums of 2007, (it was released in 06, but I'm slow)
The Raconteurs are otherwise known as Jack White's Other Band, consisting of Brendan Benson and a couple of other dudes from the Greenhornes (heard of them? me neither)
Apparently,it all started when Jack and Brendan were jamming in a basement somewhere and decided, well, their sound rocked. So they formed a band and wrote even more songs, voila! Broken Boy Soldiers was created.
Now, the album runs at a short 33 mins, but that isn't a handicap by any means. There is a good mix of songs here, from the self indulgent to hummable rock pop tunes. Anyone who has listened to the White Stripes can have an idea of the genius/madness of Jack White's guitar shredding and unrestrained use of distortion.
Here however, the brilliance shines through much more subtly, such as the weaving of complex guitar threads through 'Steady As She Goes'. Jack and Brendan manage to harmonize rather well here, on both vocals and instruments.
Another track I like is 'Yellow Sun', an cheery acoustic type of song that obviously has influences from the Beatles. Heck half the album sounds like it had some sort of influence from Revolver or Abbey Road. From rock-lite 'Hands' to the bluesy Lennonesque 'Blue Veins' and 'Together'
However, the only thing I have an issue with in this album is that the track listing is a bit iffy, the flow from one track to another doesn't feel as smooth as it could be, perhaps that has something to do with the new band getting used to itself and its sound.
Other than that, this album is a fun listen all the way through, give it a try if you like the White Stripes, or maybe even if you don't.
Cool Tracks - Steady as She Goes, Level, Intimate Secretary, Yellow Sun
The Raconteurs also has a second album Consolers of The Lonely (2008), which I will review as soon as possible.
- Ed